Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Kept Forever In The Heart

Its been 30 days since a terrible loss occurred which has affected me & my family and so many people all over the world. Every single day that passes by I stop and think about a special friend of mine and her family. They have gone through what no parent should ever have to go through, the loss of a child. On Monday February 5th 07 Sheye & Crayton lost their daughter Ava at the age of 3. Ava spread her angel wings and flew to heaven.

It was a tragic accident, that could happen to anyone, anywhere at any given time.

These words are from Sheye

"Our beautiful daughter Ava got into our car which was, unusually, parked in full sun in the middle of the day. She had been with Grandad who lives next door (we have one wall around both properties) and said she was returning to my house but in fact went searching for something in the car. We always lock it. Just not that day. Once she got in she shut the door and was not able to find her way back out"

Ava was taken to the hospital and in ICU for two days. It was a battle that Ava couldn't win, as someone was whispering her name. Ava fought bravely but on Monday the 5th of February Ava was taken to become an Angel, to watch over her family from the fluffy clouds above.

The sadness I feel for Ava's family is unexplainable. I have never met Sheye or any of her family, although I hoped to one day. The only way I can describe my friendship with Sheye is that she is a "online friend", this should not be confused with meaning any less to me than a "real life friend" would mean. Sheye is an astounding Photographer, her pictures capture the many moments of every day life just perfectly. I have always wanted to become a photographer, and I am still no where near my dream but Sheye has given me so much inspiration and is a constant reminder of why I wanted to become a photographer. Why I still want to.

Sheye is a loving mother, wife and friend who has great values and what matters the most to her is her family. Here is a snippet from Sheyes Blog, read it and you will see what kind of lady she is...

I have four children really...

You just wouldn't know it the way I post pics of the girls - espescially Princess Ava. I can explain - you see she's never away from me. Like glue, she sticks to my side...a constant babble of "mummy i'm hungry..close your eyes i've got a suprise...can you read me a book...i want to go to the shops" when I pick up my camera, she's the first thing i see.

It's obvious for all to see that Sheye has nothing but unconditional love for her children, her family, her friends. She has the kindest soul, she is giving, forgiving, caring, supportive, loving and so so much more. I don't know why this has happened to this family. It is so unfair. I do believe they will get through this. I don't know when. They have the support of so many people all over the world and we will be here waiting and ready whenever they need us.

On Saturday 10th of February the Rosemeyers farewelled their daughter Ava. Those who could not make the funeral were all saying their special farewells to Princess Ava where ever they were all over the world and releasing their own PINK balloons for Ava. It was such a beautiful, peaceful day and we had no idea where we were going celebrate her life. I drove my family for over an hour and found a lovely spot up at the Blue Mountains. It was truly peaceful, i can't explain it. We released our pink balloons for Ava and we all wore pink clothing as did everyone else all over the world. It was Ava's favorite colour of all and it was a special way to remember her. When the balloons were further off in the distance they looked like silver dots in the sky. We are sure that Ava caught every single one of her special pink balloons.

Here is a link to some pictures of people all over the world Celebrating Ava's Life with Pink Balloons xoxo FOR AVA

I would like to share some pics of our balloon release for such a divine little princess!!


Please please please!! teach your children how to get out of a car if they are trapped. Teach them to sit on the horn and sound it until someone comes to help them. This request is from the Rosemeyer family. Just take one minute out of your day to teach your own children, your friends children this one important lesson.

Sheye & Crayton, my heart weeps daily for your loss, the loss of a true princess!! Ava was such a beautiful, vibrant, happy, loving Super Princess!!

Ava is missed terribly, she is forever treasured and will never be forgotten.

We are always here for you and your family

Love Ebony, Stan, BJ & Ngaroahiahi xoxo

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India Arie