Monday, September 3, 2007

Fathers Day Beach Trip

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The plan was to head out to Wollongong early in the morning to spend the day so the kids could have fun at the beach but we all ended up sleeping in. So when i finally rolled out of bed it was 8am. I made hubby brekky which was just bacon and eggs which is great coming from me as I'm not much of a cook. Hubby is the chef in our house! So we ended up heading out around lunch time. 

As soon as we got there the kids took off, its such a shame the beach is so far away. Ngaro had a tumble over head first from jumping the waves and becoming unbalanced only after being there for about 10 minutes but she was ready to head straight back in after she wiped her face clean of all the sand. 

B.J kept asking me if there were any sharks in the water. Well I couldn't lie now could I? Both the kids are content just jumping the waves and making sand castles at this stage which is great. I took my camera in hopes I would get a couple decent shots lol. The kids weren't in the mood for pictures. I don't think i got any smiles and I kept getting B.J squinting which he is classic for, but all in all we had fun so that was great!.

Ebz xoxox

India Arie