Sunday, February 3, 2008

Ava the rain is pouring for you....

With the rain pouring down outside, I find myself sitting here knowing I have things to do with preparation for my own children's arrival home from New Zealand in 7 days, but when I try and think about what I should be doing I can only sit here and read my dear friends blog and think only of Sheye & Crayton and their gorgeous children and the tragic loss they suffered February last year.

I have come out of the woods and started today to blog again for a Super Princess - Ava Florence-Beth Rosemeyer. I could not go past this day without writing about sweet Ava. Ava has touched so many lives all over the world, how many you ask? we will never know. Her name is being spoken, her story being told, her life never being forgotten. Her family have been receiving love and friendship from strangers, strangers who heard about Ava's story and felt compelled to let this family know that Ava is still shining, shining deep within so many people and Ava will continue that journey forever.

Sheye will always know that she and her family are always and forever in my thoughts and I hold hopes that one day I will meet this amazing family.

Love to you & your family sweets

Ebz xoxo


Sweet Ava 

hold your family's hearts in yours today....
we all hold their hearts in ours,
but the comfort lies in being held in yours....

India Arie