Sunday, March 18, 2007

BJ's Pirate Party

BJ's 6th Birthday Pirate Party

Today was supposed to be stress free, well thats what I imagined it would be since we were to be having BJ's Party at Hungry Jacks but boy was I wrong. It was a total nightmare, i was running around like a headless chook stressing out as the hostesses were totally and utterly useless. (Thats putting it nicely) Hubby has sworn that the next party is at home whether we live in a villa or not.

I must say the kids were oblivious to all the mistakes that were made at the birthday party so that was good. They all had so much fun, we ended up running an hour late but thank goodness all the parents were understanding!!

I must admit i was very happy with the kids outfits, as i left it until yesterday to figure out what they were going to wear (nothing out of the ordinary). I was very happy that i found everything I needed for their costumes at home. I just added eye patches, swords, hooks, earrings and tattoos and we were ready to go.

Here are some pics, best i could get as the kids hardly ever want to co-operate with me. Im so happy the kids had fun!

Here is a link to a slide show i made BJ's Pirate Party

1 comment:

Kate said...

I love love love these Pirate photos Ebz! Great shots and sounds like a fantastic party! Lucky kids you have there!

India Arie