Thursday, May 24, 2007

Worried Mum

I am currently stressing out regarding BJ's education and I just don't know what to do.

I have had a lack of communication from BJ's teacher or school regarding how he is coping at school. I took it upon myself to speak to BJ's teacher about how he is doing on the first day back of term 2 and got told that he has serious learning difficulty in many areas which were noticed quite early on.

When i asked why i hadn't been informed of these things, his teachers response was she was just " too busy". I have and am still continuously stressed about his situation.

BJ is in year 1 and I was told that he has serious reading difficulty, has troubles with learning his sounds which contribute to his slow pace in learning quite alot. I was told that he every spelling test he cries and refuses to do it. This breaks me heart that his teacher didn't think to contact me as soon as this started. This began in the first term. 

In my opinion he stresses out in the test environment, but it really was a shock as he was and has been fine practicing his spelling at home every night. 

I was just told last thursday when i asked his teacher what reading level he is currently at that he is at a Level 3. I know that by the end of kindy their goal is to reach a Level 8 and by the end of year 1 to reach Level 18. I have no idea why they didn't think it was urgent enough to speak to me about it. 

As you can tell i am seriously worried about him. A couple weeks ago I completed a volunteer reading course which will enable me to volunteer at schools and help teach children with reading struggles. I have spoken to the Principle, Vice Principle, School Counsellor and his Teacher. 

I really get the feeling that his teacher just doesn't care. BJ's teacher in particular every time i have spoken to her she has always stated that she is just too busy to help him. Last thursday at our meeting I was expecting some sort of action plan to be put in place to help him, instead i was told again of his struggles and told to help him at home.

I have asked for specifics, resources and have received no help. I am more than happy to help my son but I just do not know where to begin. I may be over reacting to some but I am so very worried about the quality of his education.

I have already had an interveiw at another local school, I can't possibly afford to hire any help and can't stress enough how worried I am.

Tracy, thank you so much for having the time to speak to me breifly about BJ it means so much and I really needed the opinion of a teacher.

If anyone has any suggestions for me, please I am more than happy to hear them

Ebz xoxo


handinhandaus said...

Zac was tested at about the same age via a guidance officer at the school. Action plans to help him were all put in place and we were given things to help him with at home. I am unsure if it is like that Australia wide but I would be asking if he could be tested.

Zac's teachers were so so, some cared some didn't want to make the time and we then struck one who just didn't care at all. She actually asked me to send in computer games for Zac as she couldn't get him to work and that would keep him busy. We moved schools not long after and never looked back. They had fantastic programs in place, they retested Zac and he had his own special sessions on literacy one on one with a teacher. When he arrived there in grade 4 he was at a grade 1 level. By the time he graduated he had caught up in everything except spelling, which they have said is something he may alays just struggle with.
My advice would be keep talking and asking until you have someone who actually listens, push for testing to find out exactly where the problems lay and always trust your instinct if the teacher or school doesn't seem right, see if you can move him elsewhere.
Good luck I know how hard it can be and what a worry it is on us Mums.

Ebony Rose said...

Teresa thank you so much for your advice, I will definately continue pushing for help, I have the school cousellor doing an academic assesment on him sometime this week hopefully and also yesterday he was breifly seen by the Reading Recovery Teacher to assess him and see where he will be on the waiting list.

At least I have had some sort of action and I really appreciate any sort of input regarding our situation.

Thanks again T xoxo

Tykita said...

oh Ebz,i know exactley how you feel,i was the same this time last year as you are now.It makes me angry when i hear teachers are to busy,when we swapped Tys school it was the best thing we did.
We got Ty speech lessons twice a week and this year he was lucky enough to get into reading recovey,which has really helped.I would defentley recommend a speech therapist,she has helped Ty so much,this time last year he only new 2 sounds,he now nows all of them and is average in class.
sending you some hugs as i know how stressful it is.
dee xxxxxx

Kate said...

T is right Ebz - you have to push.

In the end - we as parents are their best advocates and it is our job to make sure that the school implements programs to help them.

Is BJ in a public school? If so, I thought that they have good reading recovery programs? I think it is appalling that the teachers says she is too busy to help him - really appalling.

The Catholic system here in Vic has Reading Recovery programs where they take the kids one on one and do 45min sessions with them - once a week I think - in works wonders.

I so understand that you are do need to do as T says - trust your instincts...

I also can't believe that they didn't inform you last year of his progress?

Big hugs Ebz....


Ebony Rose said...

Thank you K8 & Dee for your replys. I will definately be pushing thats for sure.

I spoke to the reading recovery teacher yesterday morning very breifly for about 5 minutes and was pretty upset for most of the day after that.

She spoke to me and told me that she assessed BJ on monday and that he is at a reading level 2 and that she doesn't feel that the reading recovery program would be useful to him because he is too low.

As Tracy said I definately feel like i am banging my head against a brick wall. I have no idea why he is now considered to low to help.

I was told by the RR Teacher to wait to see the results from the School Counsellors Academic Assesment and see what sort of action plans she comes up with.

I don't feel like I am getting anywhere. I was really waitin on the results for this reading recovery assesment I thought that this would show them how low he is and how he would need the help. Obviously I was wrong.

I really appreciate all the support and any advice I receive still.

Thank you ladies, it's nice to know that someone cares about my son.

Ebz xoxo

Tykita said...

Ebz i am so sorry to hear what the Reading Recovery teacher has said.I cant believe she said his reading was to low,i thought that would mean he needs it.
I bought off ebay a few sounds things,like a placemat and a poster and it was the same one they used at school last year,i should be able to find it when i start packing next week,i will let you know and post it to you.I also went to a school supply shop and bought a few early readers.
K8 Ty is in the RR programme in a catholic school and he has RR class everyday for 30min for the next 16weeks straight.They then test him again and see if he needs it longer,it is just fantastic,He has already improved up 2 levels,since the start of term 2 and now on Lvl 11.She told us that 1st class should be at Lvl 14 by the end of the year.
Try to stay positive Ebz,i know its hard,you know nothing sunk into tys head,we use to go over and over it,until he saw the speech therapist though,he lacked confidence,as soon as we saw her and got the speech and sounds sorted it has all improved gradually.See what the School Counsellor says,i am hoping she will lead you in the right direction with a speech therapist etc.
dee xxxxx

handinhandaus said...

oh Ebz, can't believe she said that surely there must be some help they can offer??

How long until th other assesment is through?

Ebz I think I would be talking to the principal, you need to know what all this really means and at least have some direction for the future. I understand the need to wait for the assesment but they should be giving youu some idea of how they will be able to help with whatever the reposrt says.

I can really feel your frustration, keep pushing and trust in yourself!!

Ebony Rose said...

Thanks again ladies, boy have I been stressed and frustrated and alot more.

Ok so the update is on Friday myself and Stan went into school and spoke to the principal and the vice pricipal and they assured us that BJ is on the RR waiting list and there are 2 students before him but once the 3rd person comes off the program he will start, they estimate this time to come around the second week of term 3.

I am now obviously relieved as I was just gob smacked basically. They told me that the RR teacher should not have spoken to me and it was all just her opinion but the decisions are made by them and they have guaranteed that he will be a part of the program.

Thank you so much ladies, I really did need the support.

Dee thank you so much for your generosity, its much appreciated but you do not have to do that.

I have been told to relax and give them time. I will admit its extremely hard to do, as I am so worried but i will try my best.

Fingers crossed ladies, this will come through.

Ebz xoxox

Cherie Shields said...

Oh goodness ... this is just too much stress isn't it? You just want to do the best for you boy, but to the teacher he's just one student in a class of many :( You just have to keep pushing until he gets the support he needs.

As for his spelling .... I know this will soound a bit funny, but do you have any kiwi accent left? I actually failed spelling in grade one until my mum intervened. She read the spelling words to the class and I got every single one right :O The difference in vowel sounds are enough to cause confusion in a test setting. If he is getting his spelling right at home, maybe you need to take a leaf out of my crazy mother's book and ask the teacher to let you read the spelling words out.

I used to be a reading recovery tutor in uni. A good thing to do in the meantime is have him read you a bedtime story every night and let him sound out the words.

I hope you get some support from the school soon.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ebz, I am in a similar boat, i thought Christopher was doing really well with his reading and was informed yesterday that everyone else in his group have moved up a level but he hasnt. I am so angry!! At this school they are using Jolly Phonics program which is pretty good, and we have been working wtih Chris on a daily basis but obviously according to his teacher not enough. I also found out that in the back of a notebook he brings home he has rocket words which he has learnt but not with my help as I didnt know about them, i was so focused on the reading and the letters and sounds that somehow i overlooked these. But then who looks in the back of a notebook?? ATM i am highly frustrated as the teacher is not telling us a thing, she is stressed cause her new entrant class is up to 25 and I am stressed as I want the best for my child. Anyhow babe, i feel your pain and wish you all the very best with BJ. xxx

India Arie