Monday, August 24, 2009

Such a bad Blogger....

Well well well, I'm back. I blame my absence on obvious things like, being totally and utterly useless and also due to the fact that it took a LOT for me to remember how to get back into my blog...

Its been so so long since my last post, I believe over a year now... well so much has happened in that time so where to begin.

First off the most important event that has happened has been the birth of my baby boy Ashton. Born on 120209 and terrible handsome :) He is now a 7 month old *yikes* with one tooth and the next one lining itself up to come out in the next couple days. He is a very curious young man, who is afraid the world is going to pass him by. He takes in everything, absolutely everything. He loves watching people, cars, anything really, he just likes to observe. His brother and sister adore him, and he does them too. Its great to have a little one, well not always like waking up to a screaming baby for a couple hours, but in the end its all worth it, isn't it? Of course it is!

Which takes me to my next big event which was a interstate move from NSW all the way to Kangaroo Island in S.A but not only that in itself, but the fact that I made the move and 18hr drive with my father 3 days after having my baby boy. Now that I think back, I believe I had lost my mind to have done that. But all was well and worked out and now my family resides on K.I.

Its great in the way down here because of its beauty, serenity. Its so peaceful, and not much can stress you out down here. I do miss all the shops that I could pop down to, visiting the cinema's which used to be 5 mins down the road but I will get my dose of instore shopping soon enough.

So I'll leave it at that for now, its raining down here, and so cold I have the fire going but its a great peaceful day here, and although the older two ask every now again for Mc D's and KFC I don't think they miss it that much.

I'll post a pic most friends have already seen, but will have to do until I buy a new lens (which I've been talking about doing for umm over a month now *blush*)


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India Arie